Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010
Mop papua...yang jelas cerita luculah...
::aku memanggilnya papah::

mungkin karna mamah lebih sering menelpon untuk menanyakan keadaan tiap hari.tapi tahukah kamu, jika ternyata papahlah yang mengingatkan mamah untuk menelponmu?
jepretan Anjink Pug teman....
tapi kali ini aku mau nulis soal anjink aja deh...bacanya jangan salah yah..ntar dikirain maki nanti..
Aku punya teman yang punya anjink lucu...(itu menurutku)...kalo teman-teman yang lain bilang anjinknya sih bermuka aneh... PUG...itu jenis anjinknya, ada dua ekor betina ma jantan...yang jantan namanya Cito yang betina Namanya Cipluk trus yang punya namanya Sury ma Fenti. Nggak kenalkan??? (nggak penting deh).
Holiwood movie : Megamind
Holiwood movie : Nanny McPhee Returns

Holiwood movie : Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1

Part I will be released on 19 November 2010 (2010-11-19) and Part II on 15 July 2011 (2011-07-15). Both parts will be released by Warner Bros. Pictures in 2D and 3D formats on their individual release dates. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be the only entry from the series to be entirely in 3D. It will also be released in IMAX 3D.
Jumat, 30 Juli 2010
Holiwood movie : The Chronicles of Narnia- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Holiwood movie : Eat pray Love

Holiwood movie :Resident Evil- Afterlife

In May 2005, producers mentioned the possibility of following Resident Evil: Extinction with a sequel titled Afterlife. Extinction was released in 2007 and was a box office success prompting Afterlife to begin development in June 2008, with the script being written by Anderson that December. Elements from Resident Evil 5 were incorporated into the film.
Chris Redfield, a primary character from the video games will be featured for the first time in the film franchise. Other characters from the games and films who return include: Claire Redfield, Jill Valentine and Albert Wesker. Filming took place in Toronto from September to December 2009 using James Cameron's 3D Fusion Camera System. The film is scheduled to be released in 3D and IMAX 3-D theaters on September 10, 2010.
holiwood movie: Step up 3D

Kamis, 29 Juli 2010
Tutorial Photoshop tingkat pemula
Belajar Flash CS4....
-Perkenalan pada ActionScript-
Rabu, 28 Juli 2010
Peluang bisnis online dari PTC
Selasa, 27 Juli 2010
Get More Website Traffic With the Right WordPress Settings
A blog for fun or work needs traffic. Traffic helps grow your internet business. Traffic helps you know what people like. More website traffic helps get advertisers who will buy space on your website. With the proper WordPress website settings this can be made easier.
What is your blog title?
Under Settings is a subcategory called General. You want to make certain you have a blog title. Make certain it is related to your blog. The tag line is like a subtitle, it can be longer than the title but it still needs to be fairly short explanation of what your WordPress website covers. These are things search engines can read. When they are related to the content on the blog the search engines give you a bit better ranking.
Are you pinging?
The Writing subcategory has update services. The sites you put here are ping sites. When you post your blog will ping the sites to let them know you have a new post. You can visit to find out the latest ping services, add the list to the box.
What are your visitors reading?
You can choose to have your visitors read a static page when they visit your blog or your posts. Some people believe you get more blog traffic when you let visitors visit posts first. Other people argue the importance of a static page because then it is more like a website. It really depends on your needs and your website.
What is the discussion?
You get more website traffic when you allow comments and respond to those comments. In the discussion subcategory you can change the settings. The settings allow you to reduce spam, allow links back to your website, or when comments are closed.
Is your blog private?
If you are reading about getting more website traffic this is probably the most important setting. This is one you need to set when you start the site and need to check when you make changes. Under the privacy setting you can decide if you want search engines to see your website or not. Since this gets more traffic to your site you will want search engines to see your website.
What is your permalink?
Your permalinks are the permanent links for your blog posts and pages. If your link is something with a long series of numbers or something not related to the post then you are losing traffic. You want your permalink to have words from your blog post title. This helps search engines understand your post and readers who find your post online.
With these settings, getting more WordPress website traffic will be a little easier.
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Why Not Make Some Money From Your Blog
In these times of economic uncertainty, many people struggle to make ends meet. Even if you are one of the lucky ones that have still retained their job, you may be wondering how you can supplement your income to ride out the recession. One route you just may want to consider is to make money from you blog.
But just how exactly do you make money from you blog? Luckily, making money online is not rocket science and nearly anyone can succeed if they put in the time and effort. First things first, you will want to choose a blogging platform that will suit your needs. Many beginning bloggers choose either the WordPress or Blogger platforms for their quick setup and ease of use. The main difference between the two is their varying degrees of customization. WordPress blogs are significantly more customizable with their many free plug-ins and themes, but they require that you have a server to set them up. Blogger blogs, on the other hand, are hosted for free by Google but are more limiting to the content publisher.
Once you have your blog set up, it is time to start publishing content and making money. You can go about this in several ways. The first, and most common, method is to write content and place advertisements on your blog. Google AdSense is the most popular ad network if you choose to go this route. The next way you can make money is by joining an affiliates program such as Amazon Affiliates and referring customers with your posts. Either method works fine and both will earn you money.
Next you will want to drive traffic to your blog. You can have pages and pages of content, but if no one is reading it then it is next to useless. The best way to acquire visitors is to increase your site's ranking in the Google search results. To accomplish this you will want to publish high quality content and acquire backlinks from other websites through link exchanges, guest posting, article publishing, and more. The more links coming into your site the higher it will rank and the more visitors you will receive! By following these methods you will be well on your way to making money from blogging!
Steve Duval is a Successful Internet Marketer Helping Others Learn the Skills required to Be Able To make Money Online To Find Out More About Steve and how he can help you To your Success
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Tamasya ke Sulawesi utara yukzz....
Danau kecil ini unik karena mengandung kadar belerang tinggi ini memiliki warna yang selalu berubah tergantung pada sudut pandang dan pencahayaan danau. Di sekitar danau ini terdapat satwa endemik berupa burung blibis dan serangga yang oleh penduduk setempat dinamakan "sayok" atau "komo". Serangga unik yang hidup di air tapi bersayap dan bisa terbang ini menjadi konsumsi penduduk setempat. Kadang-kadang terdengar kicauan burung-burung kecil dan burung putih besar yang melintasi danau.
Tempat pembuatan rumah kayu traditional yang menarik ini berada di desa Woloan. Rumah dengan menggunakan sistem knock-down ini dirancang untuk dapat dibongkar-pasang agar dapat dibawah untuk dibangun kembali di tempat yang diinginkan oleh pembeli.
Di lokasi Woloan Tua (Kelurahan Woloan I) terdapat Amfitheater terbuka dengan pemandangan indah yang dijadikan tempat pertunjukkan tarian dan musik asli Minahasa serta acara khusus. Amfitheater ini dikelilingi oleh banyak waruga yang masih berada dalam posisi aslinya. Di tempat ini masih terdapat sekitar 100 waruga. Dan setiap tahunnya diadakan "Mera Waruga" atau upacara pemindahan Waruga dari lahan penduduk ke Ampfitheater.
Dari Kawasan Rumah Makan Tomohon akan terlihat jelas hamparan kota Manado, serta teluk Manado yang dihiasi gugusan pulau Manado Tua, Bunaken, Siladen, Mantehage.
Gunung Lokon yang masih aktif menyajikan panorama pegunungan yang luar biasa dan lahar yang telah membatu memanjang berkelok sampai ke dekat kawah yang sering mengepulkan asap (dengan jalan kaki cepat hanya memakan waktu 45 menit). Kadang-kadang gunung ini menunjukkan aktivitasnya dengan menyemburkan abu sampai ke wilayah-wilayah pemukiman di sekitarnya.
Di sisi yang berlawanan berdiri saudaranya, gunung Mahawu. Lerengnya yang landai menawarkan perjalanan yang kurang menantang namun akan tertebus dengan pemandangan yang mengesankan karena kita bisa melihat Tomohon, Tondano, Manado, Bitung dan Taman Laut Bunaken. Di dalam kawahnya yang bisa dikelilingi dengan cukup mudah tersembunyi danau hijau zamrud yang beruap dengan simpanan belerang berwarna kuning.
Terdapat di sebelah timur Kota Tomohon, ke arah gunung Mahawu terdapat lokasi agrowisata, dengan hamparan kebun pertanian yang dikelola oleh penduduk setempat secara tradisional. Dengan peralatan sederhana lokasi pertanian ini terletak diantara lereng-lereng bukit yang dibuat bedengan-bedengan secara terasering, pada saat tanaman holtikultura ini mulai tumbuh, akan melahirkan pemandangan indah yang menyejukkan. Tempat ini juga berudara sejuk dan nyaman.
Terdapat di lereng gunung Mahawu dari Desa Kakaskasen II, dibuat lokasi jalan salib serta di puncak terdapat Gereja. Lokasi ini baru selesai dibangun, dan telah diresmikan oleh Gubernur Sulut Drs SH Sarundajang dan diberkati oleh Uskup Manado Mgr Yosep Suwatan MSC. Banyak dikunjungi oleh pesiarah terutama di Bulan Oktober dan Bulan Mei.
Air terjun yang cantik, tenang dan sangat mengesankan berada di desa Kali.
Peninggalan bangsa Jepang berupa sejumlah gua yang dibangun di masa Perang Dunia Kedua. Suatu kenangan yang menakutkan dari salah satu pergolakan dalam sejarah Indonesia.
Danau bersejarah dan terbesar yang terbaring di salah satu dataran tinggi Minahasa ini sungguh layak untuk dikunjungi.Padang-padang yang hijau yang melebar sampai ke tepi danau dan sejumlah restoran bermenu ikan bakar tersembul di tepi danau dimana Anda dapat menyantap ikan mas bakar yang dihidangkan dengan kangkung tumis. Jangan lupa mencoba dabu-dabu, sambal pedas yang terbuat dari irisan cabe, tomat dan bawang merah.
Tempat mandi air panas yang menjanjikan kenikmatan ini hanya berjarak dekat dari lokasi resort dan dikelilingi oleh padang-padang padi. Anda bisa berendam di salah satu kamar rendam yang dirancang khusus dengan air panas yang dialirkan langsung dari sumber air panas setempat.
Sebuah desa khusus dengan kerajinan tembikar dan perabot rumah dari tanah liat.
Bangunan berbentuk batu ini diyakini sebagai tempat terpenting di Minahasa dalam memberikan kekuatan spiritual. Sepanjang sejarah, batu ini telah menjadi tempat pertemuan politik pemimpin-pemimpin Minahasa yang sangat penting.
Di Airmadidi terdapat banyak waruga, kuburan kuno nenek moyang orang Minahasa yang dibangun sejak zaman megalitikum. Bentuk bangunannya sungguh unik, berupa batu berbentuk kotak yang dilubangi dan diberi penutup patu yang dibentuk seperti atap rumah.
Salah satu petualangan yang paling menegangkan dan spektakuler di Sulawesi Utara. Perjalanan menelusuri sungai ini akan memakan waktu kira-kira satu setengah jam dan pada akhirnya Anda akan meminta untuk diulangi sambil berteriak.
Taman Laut Bunaken Disahkan sebagai Taman Laut Nasional sejak tahun 1991, tempat ini telah disebut-sebut sebagai salah satu wilayah selam penting di jagad raya ini.Hanya dengan berkendaraan selama 40 menit dari lokasi resort ke salah satu pusat layanan selam atau ke pelabuhan, dimana perahu kano atau kapal bermotor siap meluncurkan Anda ke pulau Bunaken hanya dalam waktu lebih kurang 45 menit.
Taman ini mencakup lima pulau yaitu Bunaken, Siladen, Manado Tua, Montehage dan Nain yang mana setiap pulau menyajikan sejumlah lokasi diving dan snorkeling yang bervariasi. Tebing curam khusus di teluk kecil Liang termasuk langka di dunia dan dikatakan spektakuler secara antusias karena menyimpan gua, selokan dan lubang-lubang kecil tempat berlangsungnya suatu kehidupan laut yang melimpah ruah. Ikan-ikan dengan warna-warna brilian bolak-balik di antara liukan-liukan terumbu karang yang lembut di dalam air yang jernih dan hangat. Sungguh ideal bagi para penyelam pemula maupun yang sudah berpengalaman.
Cagar alam ini terhampar dari tepi pantai sampai ke gunung-gunung dan merupakan rumah bagi sejumlah flora dan fauna. Ada monyet hitam, burung maleo, ular, babi hutan, babirusa, burung rangkong, tetapi daya tarik utama diberikan oleh sejenis kera kecil yang melakukan aktivitasnya di malam hari. Bentuknya yang sangat kecil untuk ukuran kera membuatnya disebut kera terkecil di dunia dan menarik untuk dilihat.
Lokasinya berada di utara Bitung dan meliputi area sebesar 3.196 hektar. Perjalanan ke tempat ini mungkin cocok bagi para petualang karena perjalanan sampai kesana memerlukan waktu sekitar tiga jam dan akan melewati satu kawasan berpasir dengan jalan berbatu. Tapi bagi mereka yang siap untuk melakukan perjalanan seperti ini, daya tarik hutan menunggu.
Mari berwisata di Maluku...
1. Kedaton Sultan Ternate
Dibangun pada tanggal 24 November 1813 oleh Sultan Muhammad Ali diatas bukit Limau Santosa dengan luas areal 44.560 m2. Berbentuk segi delapan dengan dua buah tangga terutama pada sisi kiri dan kanan depannya. Bangunan ini menggambarkan seekor singa yang sedang duduk dengan dua kaki depan menopang kepalanya. Didalam kedaton tersimpan benda-benda peninggalan milik kesultanan yang khas serta bernilai sejarah antara lain mahkota, Al-qur’an tulisan tangan yang tertua di Indonesia serta berbagai peralatan perang. Di depan istana terhampar lapangan Sunyie Ici dan Sunyie Lamo yang biasanya dipergunakan untuk prosesi upacara adat.
2. Masjid Sultan Tidore
Adalah salah satu bentuk bangunan mesjid yang menggambarkan kejayaan kesultanan Tidore dimasa lampau dan keempat kesultanan Islam yang ada di Maluku Utara.
1. Pulau Dodola
Pulau ini tidak berpenghuni, terletak didepan Daruba, Morotai Selatan sekitar 5 km. Kedua pulau ini dikelilingi oleh pasir putih yang panjangnya 16 km, dapat dicapai dengan motor lokal dari Daruba. Selain pulau Dodola, terdapat juga pulau-pulau kecil lainnya yang tak kalah menariknya seperti pulau Kokoya, Ngele-ngele, Gab-gab yang terletak disekitar pulau Dodola.
2. Pantai Manaf
Salah satu obyek wisata yang banyak dikunjungi oleh masyarakat Sanana. Lokasi pantai terletak kurang lebih 11 km sebelah selatan dari ibukota kecamatan.
3. Danau Duma dan Makete
Terletak di sebelah utara Kec. Galela Kab. Halmahera Utara tepatnya di lokasi agro perkebunan pisang calvendis. Lokasi ini dapat dicapai dengan berbagai jenis kendaraan dari ibukota kecamatan dengan jarak 8 km.
4. Danau Ngade dan Danau Tolire
Dapat dijumpai di pulau Ternate. Di sekeliling danau terdapat panorama alam yang menarik seperti tebing, tumbuh-tumbuhan air. Dapat ditempuh dengan kendaraan umum selama 20 menit dan pusat kota.
5. Kepulauan Kayoa
Terdapat gugusan kepulauan yang sangat menarik perhatian para wisatawan karena dihampir setiap pulau memiliki berbagai jenis karang yang indah dan biota laut serta berbagai jenis ikan yang jumlahnya cukup banyak. Di gugusan kepulauan ini, pulau yang paling sering dikunjungi wisatawan adalah pulau Lelei dan Gura Ici karena disekitar pulau ini memiliki pasir putih yang halus dan taman laut yang indah.
6. Air Terjun Cibi Cebi
Dengan ketinggian 14 meter mengalir ke sungai Waci dan bermuara ke pantai antara dua desa yaitu desa Waci dan Petelei, Kab. Halmahera Timur. Untuk mencapai air terjun menempuh jarak ± 7km dari Waci dengan menggunakan perahu bermotor dalam waktu 30 menit. Buaya, Gurame dan Bandeng adalah penghuni sungai Waci.
7. Pulau Maitara dan Tidore
Pulau Maitara adalah salah satu pulau dengan panorama indah yang terletak antara Pulau Tidore dan selatan Pulau Ternate dimana sebagian lingkaran pantai berpasir putih dan terhampar didepannya alam bawah laut dengan keanekaragaman ikan serta karang yang masih terpelihara dengan balk. Pulau ini dapat dijangkau dengan speed boat hanya 10 menit dari pelabuhan bastiong Ternate.
Pulau Tidore penuh dengan wisata petualangan mendaki gunung berapi Kiematubo (1.730 m). Gunung yang belum banyak dirambah orang ini menawarkan petualangan yang mengasyikkan . Ada juga Desa Gurubunga yang alamnya sangat indah, tenang dan asri, serta Desa Topo untuk agrowisata.
8. Pulau Bobale
Terdapat di Kecamatan Kao dan memiliki pasir putih yang halus dan indah akan lebih menarik setelah berenang dan menyelam menikmati karang serta peninggalan PD II.
9. Pantai Kupa-kupa dan Luari
Terletak di Tobelo, Halmahera Utara. Memiliki pasir putih dan laut yang bersih dengan keindahan taman lautnya. Dapat ditempuh dengan transportasi umum. Selain kedua pantai tersebut didepan kota Tobelo dapat dijumpai pulau Kakara, Tagalaya dan Tupu-Tupu yang memiliki pasir putih dan taman laut yang indah.
10. Pulau Makian
Adalah salah satu pulau yang pernah diduduki oleh bangsa Portugis karena hasil cengkih. Pulau ini juga memiliki gunung api yang bernama Kie Besi. Juga terdapat beberapa tempat wisata seperti air panas di desa Pawate, bentangan pasir yang bersih dan keindahan alam bawah laut, serta keindahan gunung Kie besi.
11. Pulau Sambiki
Salah satu pulau diantara gugusan Kepulauan Obi dengan keindahan pantai pasir putih yang mengitari pulau serta keindahan alam lautnya yang sangat menarik. Pulau ini pernah dikunjungi oleh wisatawan mancanegara dengan kapal pesiar tahun 2001 lalu.
12. Pantai Cobo
Terletak di sebelah utara Pulau Tidore yang terkenal dengan keindahan pantainya. Dari tempat ini dapat dilihat pulau-pulau lain disekitarnya seperti Halmahera.
13. Pulau Zum-Zum
Terletak di depan kota Daruba, Morotai Selatan jarak kira-kira 2 km, sebuah pulau kecil dengan pasir putih yang indah. Di pulau ini juga sebagai tempat peristirahatan Jenderal MC Arthur, pimpinan pasukan Sekutu pada perang dunia II. Hingga saat ini masih dijumpai sisa-sisa peninggalan perang.
14. Pulau Mare
Pasir putih Pulau Mare bagian dari harmonisasi yang nyaris sempurna dan pasti membuat wisatawan berdecak kagum menginjakan kaki di tempat ini. Betapa tidak sebuah destinasi dengan kemilau pasir putih dan terhampar didepannya alam bawah laut yang kaya akan aneka ragam jenis ikan dan terumbu karang aneka warna yang kesemuanya tampak alami. Lokasi ini kira-kira 4 mil sebelah selatan pulau Tidore dan sangat mudah dijangkau dengan menggunakan speed boat dari
1. Benteng Oranye
Dibangun pada tahun 1607 oleh Cornelis Matclief de Jonge (Belanda) dan diberi nama oleh Francois Witlentt path tahun 1609. Benteng oranye ini semula berasal dari bekas sebuah benteng tua yang dibangun oleh Bangsa Portugis dan dihuni oleh orang Melayu sehingga diberi nama benteng Melayu. Dalam benteng ini pernah menjadi pusat pemerintahan tertinggi Hindia Belanda (Gubernur Jenderal) VOC Pieter Both, Herarld Reyist, Laurenz Reaal dan J.C Coum. Di benteng ini pula Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II (Sultan Palembang) diasingkan di Ternate pada tahun 1822 hingga meninggal dunia pada tahun 1852 dan makamnya terletak di perkuburan islam di sebelah barat kelurahan Kalumpang Ternate. Letak benteng ini berada di pusat kota dengan kondisi fisik masih utuh, di dalam benteng ini sekarang ditempati oleh kesatuan POLRI dan Angkatan Darat.
2. Benteng Kalamata
Sering disebut Benteng Santa Lucia atau juga disebut benteng Kayu Merah. Benteng ini semula dibangun oleh Piyageta atau Portugis pada tahun 1540 kemudian dipugar oleh Pieter Both, bangsa Belanda pada tahun 1609. Pada tahun 1625 benteng ini pemah dikosongkan oleh Geen Huigen Schapen. Benteng yang dikosongkan ini kemudian diduduki oleh bangsa Spanyol hingga tahun 1663 setelah diduduki oleh Belanda. Benteng ini diperbaiki oleh Mayor Von Lutnow pada tahun 1799. Nama benteng Kalamata diambil dari nama seorang Pangeran Ternate yang meninggal dunia di Makassar pada bulan Maret tahun 1676. Benteng ini terletak di sebelah selatan pusat kota Ternate dan berjarak 3 km dan dapat dicapai oleh kendaraan darat. Kondisi fisik benteng ini sekarang sangat baik karena selesai dipugar tetapi tampaknya nilai keasliannya telah diubah karena ada kesan seperti bangunan baru.
3. Benteng Bernaveld
Terdapat di Desa Labuha Kec. Bacan yang menurut tokoh masyarakat setempat benteng tersebut dibangun oleh bangsa Portugis pada akhir abad XV yang hingga kini kondisi fisiknya 7O% masih baik.
4. Benteng Tolukko
Semula dibangun oleh Fransisco Serao, seorang berkebangsaan Portugis, pada tahun 1540 kemudian direnovasi oleh Pieter Both, bangsa Belanda, pada tahun 1610. Benteng ini sering disebut benteng Holandia atau Santo Lucas, yang terletak di bagian utara kota Ternate. Benteng ini oleh Pemerintah Hindia Belanda pada tahun 1661 mengizinkan Sultan Mandarsyah untuk menempatinya dengan kekuatan pasukan sebanyak 160 orang. Benteng ini berada di Kel.Dufa-Dufa yang berjarak ±3 km dari pusat kota Ternate dan dapat dicapai dengan kendaraan darat. Kondisi benteng saat ini baik, karena baru saja dipugar, walaupun cara pengerjaannya masih kurang memuaskan sebagai suatu benda peninggalan sejarah masa lalu.
5. Benteng Kotanaka
Dibangun oleh Pemerintah Hindia Belanda pada abad ke 18. Letaknya disamping kanan sebelah utara Kedaton Sultan Tenate, diatas sebuah bukit. Benteng ini diberi nama sesuai nama sebuah mata air yang berada di sekitarnya. Fungsi dari benteng ini adalah untuk mengawasi gerak-gerik Sultan dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dan untuk pertahanan Belanda. Kondisi benteng ini hanya bekasnya saja dan telah ditumbuhi pepohonan dan rumput.
6. Benteng Dever Lacting
Di pusat kota Kec. Sanana (Desa Mangon) tepatnya didekat pelabuhan ada sebuah benteng peninggalan penjajahan bangsa Belanda, nama benteng tersebut adalah Dever Lacting Acting luasnya sekitar 2750 m² dengan ukuran 50 X 55 m², benteng ini didirikan pada tahun 1652 oleh seorang berkebangsaan Belanda, Victor Moll nama pendirinya. Sebagaimana benteng-benteng lain, benteng ini pun telah mengalami kerusakan, volume kerusakannya diperkirakan sekitar 60%.
7. Meriam Antik dan Bunker
Tepatnya di Desa Kusu Kec. Kao terdapat sebuah lapangan terbang dan 4 buah meriam antik beserta sebuah bunker bekas peninggalan bala tentara Jepang pada Perang Dunia II sekitar tahun 1942. Di lokasi ini pula pernah dikunjungi oleh wisatawan Jepang dalam bentuk rombongan untuk berjiarah.
Holiwood movie Tahun 2010 bulan Agustus - Desember
4 agustus
- The Sicilian Girl
6 agustus
- Cairo Time
- The Disappearance of Alice Creed
- Flipped
- Lebanon
- Middle Men
- The Other Guys
- The Oxford Murders
- Step Up 3D
- Thru the Moebius Strip
- Twelve
- The Wildest Dream: Conquest of Everest
13 agustus
- Animal Kingdom
- Eat Pray Love
- The Expendables
- La Soga
- Mesrine: Killer Instinct
- The People I've Slept With
- Salt of the Sea
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
- Tales from Earthsea
18 agustus
- Vampires Suck
20 agustus
- Down Terrace
- Lottery Ticket
- Mao's Last Dancer
- Nanny McPhee Returns
- Piranha 3D
- Soul Kitchen
- The Switch
- The Tillman Story
- What If...
25 agustus
- Louis
27 agustus
- Centurion
- Change of Plans
- Going the Distance
- The Last Exorcism
- The Milk of Sorrow
- Takers
1 September
- The American
3 September
- A Woman, a Gun and a Noodle Shop (limited)
- Last Train Home (NY)
- Machete
- Mesrine: Public Enemy No. 1
- Prince of Broadway
- White Wedding
- The Winning Season
10 September
- I'm Still Here: The Lost Year of Joaquin Phoenix
- Legendary
- Lovely, Still
- Resident Evil: Afterlife
- The Virginity Hit
15 September
- Never Let Me Go
17 September
- Alpha and Omega
- Catfish
- Devil
- Easy A
- The Freebie
- Jack Goes Boating
- The Town
- The Wild Hunt
22 September
- You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger
24 September
- Buried
- Enter the Void
- Howl
- It's Kind of a Funny Story
- Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole
- The Romantics
- Waiting for "Superman"
- Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
- You Again
1 Oktober
- Bagman
- Douchebag
- Freakonomics
- Let Me In
- The Social Network
8 Oktober
- Chain Letter
- Inside Job
- Life As We Know It
- Nowhere Boy
- Secretariat
- Stone
- Tamara Drewe
- Today's Special
15 Oktober
- Conviction
- Jackass 3D
- Red
22 Oktober
- The Company Men
- Hereafter
- Paranormal Activity 2
29 Oktober
- Monsters
- My Soul to Take
- Saw 3D
5 November
- Due Date
- Fair Game
- Megamind
- Welcome to the Rileys
- Wild Target
- William S. Burroughs: A Man Within
12 November
- Morning Glory
- Skyline
- Unstoppable
19 November
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1
- Made in Dagenham
- The Next Three Days
24 November
- Burlesque
- Faster
- The King's Speech
- Love and Other Drugs
- Tangled
26 November
- Red Dawn
27 November
- Bruce Lee
3 Desember
- Kids in America
- Miral
10 Desember
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
- The Fighter
17 Desember
- Everything You've Got
- Tron Legacy
- Yogi Bear
22 Deember
- Country Strong
- Gulliver's Travels
- Little Fockers
- Somewhere
25 Deember
- The Illusionist (Sony)
- True Grit
29 Deember
- Another Year
- The Debt
31 Desember
- Blue Valentine
Selasa, 13 Juli 2010
Advertising Your Business Using Internet Marketing
Advertising your business using internet marketing can give your business tremendous exposure to new prospective customers. It gives you the opportunity to go beyond your local newspaper and yellow pages that only get distributed to a small geographical area. As you well know, the internet gets distributed across the globe. You can literally be at the fingertips of the whole world, and all at a click of a mouse.
There are many different techniques and strategies that you can use to promote your business online. Some of them cost money, while others are free. The paid methods consist of things like pay per click, banner ads, etc. These methods can give you traffic to your website immediately after you set them up, but like I said, you pay for them. The free methods consist of things like article marketing, video marketing, social media, and blogging to name a few. These methods do not offer immediate traffic, but do offer astounding residual benefits. Once you post something to the internet, it works for you until you take it down. While you are eating or sleeping, your articles or videos are still attracting potential customers.
The important thing that you need to remember to incorporate into your internet marketing efforts, whether you are using the paid or free methods, is keyword research. You can post all of the material in the world to the internet, but if you are not able to have your material ranked in the search engines, you will not reach the eyes of your prospective customers. It does not matter what online marketing strategies you are using, if you do not incorporate good keyword research into your efforts, you will truly struggle.
I represent one of the largest internet marketing mentorship programs in the world. To learn more about Internet Marketing, and how it can benefit you and your business, visit my site.
Dave Fennell is an Internet Marketing Coach and Corporate Mentor for one of the Internet's largest marketing schools. Specializing in Article Marketing, Social Network Marketing and a multitude of other Marketing Strategies, he trains both total beginners and seasoned professionals from all over the globe to achieve financial freedom through proven business techniques and continuing education to keep ahead of trends and remain on top of the competition.
Article Source:
Google Maps and How Can it Help Me As a Small Local Business
Your small business can grow exceptionally fast once in it is on Google maps as it helps consumers find businesses and business owners they want to do business with. And contrary to popular beliefs, it is a free service and can do loads for your small business as many customers these days use the mobile phone. It takes just about an hour to list your small business in Google maps and according to their findings; nearly 20 percent of businesses are looked up at their site.
Best of mapping technology
With Google maps, your business can share your hours of operation and customers can be offered coupons. You can display photos of your business and share videos of services and demos, offer products and do much more. Google maps are a service that offers the best of mapping technology for your business. Much of it is free without any strings attached to them.
By listing with google maps, you can present your business' products or services to customers through a graphical map interface with the help of a mobile phone or PC.
If someone wants to check out a particular type of business within a geographical region, he or she would type in a variety of search terms in the maps search box. Searches can be easily done on type of business, location, driving distance from address and any other type.
It is the nearby location for which google maps can help small businesses situated close by. As soon as the google map returns the results, all businesses listed in a particular type that will fit the search will come up. So you can benefit in loads as a small businessman.
The graphical map interface will appear on the right hand side of the listings which you can zoom in, scroll, and even view a satellite image.
Available with mobile phones
It is easy for the customer to view the contact information with the help of a marker posted to the map. The customer can even print the exact driving directions from his or her location to the selected address. Mobile devices can also be used for Google maps and in the US; there is the sms where you can also text. Google will automatically send the top searches to the customer's query.
If the customer has a mobile phone with a browser, local listings, map and driving directions can also be viewed. It is only available with mobile phones that are java enabled and with the Blackberry. With mobile google, you have the potential to market effectively to your customers who are in transit and are looking for a particular business nearby.
If you can list your business with Google, you can be ensured of a large amount of traffic to your site but you need to do a correct listing with Google maps
For more great tips and resources for the small business go to -
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Internet Business Opportunities - Ways to Make Extra Money
If you are looking for a solution to growing financial problems then the internet could well be the answer. Thousands of people have already made a living from their laptop and have a completely mobile business which they can run from anywhere in the world. This is the information age after all and perhaps we should embrace the technology which is available to us all.
The benefits of having a completely mobile business, which enables you to work under your own steam with no boss and very few overheads, far outweigh the drawbacks of such a business. The fact that you can work from home from your computer is an attractive proposition to most people who would love not to have their daily commute to and from work.
There are hundreds of internet business opportunities and ways to make money available on-line. The best way, however, is to create multiple income streams which require very little or no work once they are set up. You still provide good service and deliver products with the speed of light, yet you are not even at your computer when this happens! You have set it all up previously to run on complete autopilot.
The beauty of this is that you can build on your efforts. Unlike a regular job where you earn the same amount every month no matter how much you achieve, you are building income streams which are free running and work independently of your efforts. This gives you great flexibility and allows you to leverage your income using the power of the internet.
You literally create the equivalent of a shop front which runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week taking orders and delivering products constantly 365 days of the year. Imagine the workforce, labour, costs and resources you would need to do that off-line, running a real shop or business. To even consider such an undertaking would require a huge amount of capital. This is where the internet comes into its own. You can start an equivalent enterprise working from home on your laptop for less than the cost of your weekly commute.
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Make Money Online - What Do You Need?
Make Money Online
Affiliate marketing gives you the chance to work from home using the internet to make money online. You don't have to be an expert in computers or in creating web pages to succeed. If you have the ability to follow directions and simple instructions you can build a business on line that earns you money. There are plenty of ways to work from home and make a killing.
If you want to make money online here are a few pointers to get you started:
Should you purchase an online business plan from a "guru"?
You will find there are plenty of people selling eBooks and videos on line giving instructions on how to start your own business. This will give you a jump start on getting up and running as you can learn from someone who has been successful and has testing and tweaked their online business. A good step by step guide will cut down the learning time and get you closer to your goal of earning online. Be sure to do some research online about the author of the program to learn about the reputation of the person. There are a few scammers out there but you will find plenty of great systems are available to get you started in the make money online arena.
Where can you get more help and tips?
One great thing about internet marketing is there are plenty of people willing to help you out for free! There are some great free forums dedicated to internet marketing where you will find others gladly willing to help you out. Get stuck on something or need an opinion about a piece of software you are looking to buy, just post your question and you will get plenty of helpful answers.
Don't know anything about creating a web page?
Don't worry, there are plenty of ways to do this and it is not difficult. One option is to pick up a web page template. This will give you a ready made site that you can adjust using something as simple as windows built in notepad. You can also have someone completely build a web site for you. That may sound expensive but there are plenty of places on the internet where you can outsource this to be done at a reasonable price. Many web hosting plans now come with one click installation of several programs that will allow you to easily create a web site too.
What are you going to sell to earn money?
If possible find an affiliate program that is related to something that you are already interested in. Making money by selling something related to a hobby will make your work from home job seem much more fun. Try to pick only reputable companies that have an established track record of paying their affiliates on time. There are plenty of places you can sign up for that have programs covering hundreds of different items and services, sort of a one place shopping mall of affiliate programs.
How do you get traffic to your site?
Article directories where you can write an article about the subject of your website and include a link will get you some visitors. Online internet classified ads can be used to promote your webpage. Placing a link to your website on a hobby forum inside your signature box will get you some targeted traffic. There are also Google Ads and pay per click that will give you guaranteed traffic. It also helps to ping you site which will drive traffic and also search engines robots to index your site.
With some self discipline and patience you can succeed on line. You won't see thousands of dollars overnight however when you find something that works on line it is usually easy to replicate or scale up the activity.
There are tools and secrets here that will change your life, fast... to get a no optin, free 33 pg ebook that reveals an internet icons 10 year wealth secret, Click Here Now; Show Me
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Minggu, 11 Juli 2010
sinopsis The last air bender.

The last air bender movie yang sudah ditunggu-tunggu oleh banyak penonton sejak kemunculan trailernya mendapat perhatian penuh dari penonton dan stasiun tv swasta Amerika. Kabarnya film ini sebelumnya di beri nama Avatar, akan tetapi judul film avatar memiliki kesamaan dengan judul film avatar(2009) sehingga, produksi film ini mengubanya menjadi the last air bender.
Sutradara : M. Night Shyamalan
Cast : Noah Ringer (Aang), Jackson Rathbone (Sokka), Dev Patel (Zuko), Cliff Curtis (Firelord Ozai), Seychelle Gabriel (Princess Yue), dll..

Release Date : 1 July 2010
Durasi : 103 min
Pemain : Noah Ringer, Dev Patel, Nicola Peltz
Info :
The last air bender trailers.
untuk lebih lengkapnya kunjungi kasih ^_^
Rabu, 07 Juli 2010
Brandon de angelo si kecil medok yang CooooL abis..

Berkat penamilannya yang memukau dan didukung face yang mendukung, jelaslah fans brandon kian hari kian bertambah..
Juri dan penonton juga tak segan-segan berteriak histeris meihat penampilan dancer hip-hop cilik ini ketika meliuk-liuk di atas stage.
Bagi kalian yang mau lihat lebih jelas seputar brandon de angelo peserta indonesia mencari bakat ini. nih aku kasi linknya
ato search aja di google..pasti dapat kok..secara kan banyak yang nyari-nyari..

nih beberapa video brandon.
Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010
Dancer hip-hop cilik FAY NABILA

pertama-tama kita liat dulu biodatanya..
Nama : Fay Nabila Rizka Takupaz
Agama : Islam
Lahir : Surabaya, 11 Februari (sekarang usianya 10 tahun)
Sekolah: SD Kaliasin 4 Surabaya
Hobby : Dance & model
peserta indonesia mencari bakat FAY NABILA dengan dance aliran Hip-hop yang begitu smooth cepat detail dan teratur gerakannya, bikin orang-orang histeris melihat bakat Abil yang bisa dibilang mampu menandingi dancer-dancer dewasa dan profesional.
Di usia Abil yang masih begitu muda, bakat yang dimilikinya patut diancungi jempol. waduh jadi histeris gw liat goyangannya wakakaka.... Abil belajar koreo selama 1 tahun dan langsung bisa meliuk-liuk bagai dancer profesional. Kalo gua sih butuh 1 dekade..
Salah satu modal Abil menempuh perjalanan di Indonesia mencari bakat adalah kerja kerasnya dalam berlatih dan menyusun koreografi. Pernah dalam satu sesi prtunjukan IMB, Abil nyusun sendiri loh koreonya..., katanya sih pelatihnya lagi nggak bisa ngajar abil, ada keperluan apa gitu... koreo yang abil bikin pun nggak sembarang, bisa dibilang cukup cepat detil dan menurut gw SUSAH untuk diikutin (maklum amatir wakakakaka). selain itu kemampuan abil pada dance yang tidak dimiliki dancer2 IMB lain adalah kemampuan ABIL untuk mengkinerjakan seluruh anggota tubuhnya..mulai dari jari, mata, badan, mimik muka....wuiiihhh bergerak semua deh... satu lagi salut deh sama Abil...
JP MILLENIX gadis cilik Talenta gedee...

ini dia si cilik yang punya kelebihan GEEEDEEE dalam menabuh drum yang bisa dikatakan setingkat dengan pemain drum profesional.
Gadis kelahiran 1 januari 2000 (dari yang gua search sih...nggk tau pasti deh) ini memiliki penampilan yang begitu menghipnotis penonton dan juri indonesia mencari bakat dengan teknik dan rytme yang begitu teratur dalam memainkan drum. iri juga gue waktu ngeliatnya....wakakakakaka...
tak lepas dari kepiawaiannya (bener nggak bener tulisannya urus sendiri..) memainkan drum yang bikin orang-orang menganggap JP adalah gadis tomboy, sebenarnya JP itu anak yang cukup feminim loh....Dia suka main barbie...
permainan JP seringkali mendapat pujian dari juri dan penonton serta penggemar-penggemarnya diindonesia. tapi nggak hanya itu loh...JP juga sempat dipuji kemahirannya sama drummer luar negri papan atas mike portnoy (dream theater) yang juga merupakan idola JP loh..apa nggak bangga dipuji sama idola sendiri coba???
satu lagi....JP aku ngefans berat mau kamu....ciayo JP...tunjukan indonesia punya talenta yang nggak main-main di mata dunia...YOU ROCK JP..
nih gw kasih link dari kaskus tentang JP lebih dalam...dia keren banget...
Small Talk About the Existence of 3D Movie Trailers
A movie could be advertised and made known to the public in a lot of different but equally creative ways. It could be advertised through the distribution of posters and other forms of print ads. To get the attention of all the very busy passers by, these prints are usually accented by very vibrant colors and often featuring common faces. Another way, is by using the more advanced movie trailers. According to its definition, a trailer is a series of scenes from the movie compressed in a video clip so that the viewers will have an idea what that certain movie is all about.
Before moving on, let us direct our attention first on some of the most interesting facts about 3d movie trailers or trailers in general, the term 'trailer' came about because trailers were originally shown right after a feature movie in the past. But this set up was not that successful and beneficial to both the viewers and the movie companies. This is because people usually leave the movie houses the moment the credits start rolling. To put a solution to this problem, slight adjustments were made and movie trailers started to be shown before the start of any feature film. In this way, it seems that the advertisers get more and the target population is really hit. This should be enough to explain why, even if we still call it 'trailers,' 3d movie trailers are being shown before the start of feature films. They are even independently shown in some hosting websites such as YouTube.
Speaking of which, YouTube is perhaps the first website that comes into mind when the conversation finds its way to short videos and movies. And it is just something that we should not wonder much about. YouTube has been in existence for almost five years and a half now. And within that span of time, it never failed to entertain us with a lot of videos that really keep the stress, at least a part of it, away! This website also has a host of movie trailers to show us. Some of them are the official trailers of 3d movies while others are just those made by fanatics who just can't get enough of what the movie companies are giving them. This should mean to say therefore that YouTube is just one of the best sites to visit when trying to look for quality 3d movie trailers.
Now, since this is a written article, obviously, we would not be able to show you examples of the 3d movie trailers. Despite that, maybe we have given you enough information about the topic in hand. So feel free to find your own 3D Movie Trailer samples.
Paul has been writing articles for the past 3 years. Check his latest website over at which gives people the information they need about 3D Movie Trailers.
Article Source:'Brien
Watching Movie Trailers
Watching movies are some peoples favorite past time. They like to watch movie to kill boredom and some just loves watching movies especially on their favorite celebrity or celebrities. All new movies sometimes come out every week or even in just less than a week a new movie is coming out.
For people who like watch they tend to go on the cinema if the schedule they want to watch is on a "Now Showing" in those cinemas they are going. Well some just rent a Digital Video Disc(DVD) copy that are not showing anymore on cinemas.
They can go on a video marathon as long as they want depending on how many copies they have. This have more advantage because they can control the flow; pause, rewind or skip a scene. Another is on a television movie channel, they are a lot of these channels on most of all countries. These channels post a schedule on what title is it and what time it will be shown.
Now the question is how do we know if it is a good one to watch? Well you can ask your friends who already saw it for their feed backs, or look for a critic site and read the reviews of some analysts. For me the best idea is to watch its Movie Trailers. With Trailers who can have a better glimpse on how the it really looks like. Better than anyone else feed backs. Some Trailers are being selected to be shown to really attract viewers and yes it does not guarantee if the movie is worth watching unless you really watch the whole film, but watching Movie Trailers is considered to be the best way to know the movie rather than anything else.
Check now for the latest Movie Trailers coming your way. Article Source: | |
Kamis, 01 Juli 2010
A Web Development Company Can Change Your Fortune on The Web
With the competition getting tougher each new day, today websites are emerging in almost a plethora of count every day. So, to help your website emerge as unique and influential, a professional facilitate in the form of a web development company has emerged as a necessity today. Equipped with a team that consists of seasoned pros, which can easily help in transforming your on-paper ideas into an energetic online PR portal this practice will sure help in luring customers to your website.
The World Wide Web is like a deep, vast ocean that packs an overabundance of websites, but making your site stand out and visible from the rest requires adhering to web development companies that will sure make this daunting task get easier for you.
When partnering with web development companies make sure that the collaboration that you make helps in imaging your ideas, which will sure help in building long term relationships with your customers in short generating sales, an increased revenue or profit as the outcomes. A website that delivers the effective and the targeted message about a business is a great podium to help clients build a relationship with the products and services your company offers
Keeping up with the competition requires following a cost-effective approach in order to keep the money machine running aptly. When adhering to a web development company that is proficient in offering the best solution, then this can sure act like a storefront to sell the products and services your company offers. A web development company can offer a domain level expertise that will help in grabbing attention from the potential customers thus helping them business with you with the impression they build in just that fraction of a second or the shortest notice.
Offering website development that entails everything, the web development companies can design anything from the straight forward online brochure to even those that portray corporate information in the most apt, precise yet luring manner. Also, if you are an owner of a website already, then the web development company can help in redesigning and revitalizing you site thus adding to its web presence amply. Helping your website get turned into a functional and attractive marketing or promotional tool the website development companies can offer you the best answer you need in order to achieve that edge in the online market that is simply an ocean that requires giving nothing but your best to get outcomes that you anticipate.
Simply putting that an apt website development company that offers just the needed solution to your online business can help in changing the face of your business by helping you earn sales and revenue like never before will not be exaggerating even to the slightest extent.
Sharma Infoway is a Full service Web Development Company. We have been doing competing with larger Web development companies in India.
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A Web Development Company Can Change Your Fortune on The Web
With the competition getting tougher each new day, today websites are emerging in almost a plethora of count every day. So, to help your website emerge as unique and influential, a professional facilitate in the form of a web development company has emerged as a necessity today. Equipped with a team that consists of seasoned pros, which can easily help in transforming your on-paper ideas into an energetic online PR portal this practice will sure help in luring customers to your website.
The World Wide Web is like a deep, vast ocean that packs an overabundance of websites, but making your site stand out and visible from the rest requires adhering to web development companies that will sure make this daunting task get easier for you.
When partnering with web development companies make sure that the collaboration that you make helps in imaging your ideas, which will sure help in building long term relationships with your customers in short generating sales, an increased revenue or profit as the outcomes. A website that delivers the effective and the targeted message about a business is a great podium to help clients build a relationship with the products and services your company offers
Keeping up with the competition requires following a cost-effective approach in order to keep the money machine running aptly. When adhering to a web development company that is proficient in offering the best solution, then this can sure act like a storefront to sell the products and services your company offers. A web development company can offer a domain level expertise that will help in grabbing attention from the potential customers thus helping them business with you with the impression they build in just that fraction of a second or the shortest notice.
Offering website development that entails everything, the web development companies can design anything from the straight forward online brochure to even those that portray corporate information in the most apt, precise yet luring manner. Also, if you are an owner of a website already, then the web development company can help in redesigning and revitalizing you site thus adding to its web presence amply. Helping your website get turned into a functional and attractive marketing or promotional tool the website development companies can offer you the best answer you need in order to achieve that edge in the online market that is simply an ocean that requires giving nothing but your best to get outcomes that you anticipate.
Simply putting that an apt website development company that offers just the needed solution to your online business can help in changing the face of your business by helping you earn sales and revenue like never before will not be exaggerating even to the slightest extent.
Sharma Infoway is a Full service Web Development Company. We have been doing competing with larger Web development companies in India.
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Becoming a Freelance Web Designer
In a fast changing, dynamic & globalizing world, customers are becoming design savvy with every passing hour. They interact daily with websites and catalogues and are slowly turning themselves into design critics. Hence, for freelance graphic design designers, the creation of the website is not the end, but it's the beginning of the process & the integration of web development with its design elements gives life to a website.
But a website design is only as good as the revenue it generates, therefore the first step for all you graphic design designers would be to look out for clients since without them there won't be any business. But again, finding your first client is an incredibly difficult task. The easiest way out of this roadblock is to start looking for freelance design projects in niche areas, like e commerce designing, blog designing, creating twitter backgrounds etc, which in turn would help you to build your portfolio. Once you are done with the portfolio, you need to market your services to your prospective clients. You can start blogging about the services you offer and also make use of social networking websites. Sites like twitter are an excellent medium for getting freelance design projects. Also there are services like Elance, freelancejobs etc where you can bid for freelance projects.
Another important aspect of freelancing is the experience of working with clients. Depending on your luck, you can find a client who is terrible or fantastic. But the skill lies in finding great clients who will stick to you for all their web development needs and for this, the art of communication must never be overlooked. Communication could be the key differentiating factor from clinching the bid to keeping the client happy. And remember, there is nothing more important for your freelance business than a happy customer, as directly or indirectly he could bring new business opportunities for you. The recommendations and testimonials that you might get from your client will go a long way in establishing your name in the freelancing market. In a freelancing world, you are your own brand and you need to work really hard to build it. Fill in any gaps that you think your profile may have by working on your skills. In the end, it's only about enjoying your work & time.
Udit Verma is freelance online service consultant and is writing review articles on e commerce designing, online challenges, freelancer web design, logo design projects and information on freelance design projects.
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Starting a Web Design Business
So you're looking to get started in website design, huh? Perhaps you're a stay-at-home mom with an arsenal of design programs at your disposal, looking for additional income to support your family; you may conversely be a student looking to build your portfolio and possibly help pay down college loans. Whatever your situation, becoming a web designer takes a bit of know-how and a lot of internet savvy; let me give you a few tips in regards to starting your new business.
When considering taking on this type of business, it's a good thing to assess your competition before diving in to the field. After a quick internet search, I was able to locate a multitude of hits while researching "web design in Surrey"; don't be discouraged, because this can work in your favor. Knowing that there are other established businesses in your area can actually aid your site in being crawled more frequently by search engines- this in turn will give more traffic to your site and your portfolio. Don't be afraid to check out the competition to see how their portfolios are set up; having a well designed website is of utmost importance when starting your business.
According to w3 Education, careers in web design are at an all-time high, and are demanded worldwide. If you're just beginning in your new found career, there are a number of local resources in Surrey at your disposal. For instance, doing a quick search via Floodlight for web design courses in Surrey gives a large number of local courses that can help you to advance your knowledge at your own pace. If you're not looking to attend a university, these courses may be a viable option. If you are more advanced in your knowledge, you may want to brush up on your skills by checking out some online resources such as Lynda to help sharpen your proficiency in the different software needed to do different design tasks for your potential clients.
After your research is complete and you feel you have a wealth of knowledge about starting a business local to Surrey, your next task is to craft a project-winning website. Keep in mind that your site should not only serve to introduce yourself and your abilities, it must act as your marketing tool, your business card, and your permanent portfolio. Make sure that the following things are included on your site:
SEO copy- Yes- there's a lot of hits for web design in Surrey via search engines, and you want your website to be among those hit! Make sure that in your source code you include meta tags and keywords that will give those local to Surrey and abroad a chance to find your page.
Your contact information- Seems simple enough, but you'd be surprised at how many portfolios leave this vital piece of information out.
Screen shots of your work- Another tool that seems cliche, but has been left about by a multitude of freelance designers. Since web design is visual, potential clients would like not only a resume, but a visual representation of your work.
I hope that these tips have helped you to propel in the lucrative world of website design; good luck out there!
The web design surrey company you choose is everything these days; first impression is not something you can change! Choose the right website design surrey company for you.
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